If one would grow up in an american family, he would probably remember his mom telling him to make sure he behaves himself when he is eating. Well actually, the reason she is teaching this is simply because having good manners during mealtime shows good upbringing. So for those who would want to get a recap of this childhood lesson on american table manners, here are a few things to note.
Of course the very first thing that parents would teach their children would be to wash their hands before eating. Now this is not only taught for hygiene purposes but it is also done for the purpose of upbringing. No one would want to eat with someone who has dirty hands.
Now for the placement of the utensils, basically the plate is in the middle, the fork is to the left, and the spoon and knife are at the right side. Now when one would finish eating, he has to make sure that the utensils are left on the plate close together. When they are not yet done, they can leave the utensils far from each other.
Now one of the things that moms would usually complain about would be when their kids would talk with their mouths full. Now this is actually quite disgusting because people can see food being chewed. Also, it is important to close the mouth while eating because food could fall down on the table.
Now one thing that a lot of people would take for granted would be how to properly pass a dish to other people on the table.
Of course the very first thing that parents would teach their children would be to wash their hands before eating. Now this is not only taught for hygiene purposes but it is also done for the purpose of upbringing. No one would want to eat with someone who has dirty hands.
Now for the placement of the utensils, basically the plate is in the middle, the fork is to the left, and the spoon and knife are at the right side. Now when one would finish eating, he has to make sure that the utensils are left on the plate close together. When they are not yet done, they can leave the utensils far from each other.
Now one of the things that moms would usually complain about would be when their kids would talk with their mouths full. Now this is actually quite disgusting because people can see food being chewed. Also, it is important to close the mouth while eating because food could fall down on the table.
Now one thing that a lot of people would take for granted would be how to properly pass a dish to other people on the table.
Of course the rule here is to ask someone to pass the dish first and not stretch out to get it. Another rule would be to always pass to the right until the food gets to the person that wants it.
One thing that is not observed by most people would be not to gulp down the food. In other words, one should always just cut small pieces to eat and not just eat one whole big piece. This is simply because it is actually quite disgusting to see someone just take a big mouth of food into his mouth.
Now the last thing to take note of would be to always say excuse me before leaving the dining table. Now this is very important because if one would just walk out without saying a thing, it will show that he does not appreciate the food. So it is actually very important to excuse himself before he would leave the meal whether he is finished or not.
So for those who would want to learn some of the basic manners to observe during meal time, then do take some time to read these. Although these are the most common, there are actually more to take note of. Now it is by showing off proper manners that one will be respected in society and will have a lot of people looking up to him because of his upbringing.
About the Author:
One thing that is not observed by most people would be not to gulp down the food. In other words, one should always just cut small pieces to eat and not just eat one whole big piece. This is simply because it is actually quite disgusting to see someone just take a big mouth of food into his mouth.
Now the last thing to take note of would be to always say excuse me before leaving the dining table. Now this is very important because if one would just walk out without saying a thing, it will show that he does not appreciate the food. So it is actually very important to excuse himself before he would leave the meal whether he is finished or not.
So for those who would want to learn some of the basic manners to observe during meal time, then do take some time to read these. Although these are the most common, there are actually more to take note of. Now it is by showing off proper manners that one will be respected in society and will have a lot of people looking up to him because of his upbringing.
About the Author:
Learn the basics on American table manners by reviewing the informative posts now. To get immediate access to the website, go to http://americangoodmanners.com.