An interface is the point where the user and the system get to interact. Through this point the user pass some commands to the computer which in turn returns some reasonable amount. An analysis on the timesheet interface shows like any other software interface this is also designed to used some paradigms. These are styles through which the user and the system get to communicate.
Some interaction can get to involve the command line control which is a non interactive style. In this the user gives the system a list of commands that is should do. This application is however very hard and tedious of the common users because it involves the memorizing of command. Thus most people who use it are the system experts who carry out the maintenance procedures.
This can be achieved with a lot of proper design principles. This system in turn supports many browsers that are used in entering the timesheets of any organization. However it is a good practice for only the administrator to be involved with the use of the Internet Explores, these is because it require the add-on and forums through which one can link to other systems.
In the menu based style, the choices are represented in a bar and once clicked a list of options pop down or up. One can then get to select the action that they need done from the list and key it in. Depending on the position and influence of clicking on the option, the menu based interaction has got several type of menu. These menus include the main bar, the pop-up menu, and the pull-down menu.
An analysis on the timesheet interface shows that with the use of this
Some interaction can get to involve the command line control which is a non interactive style. In this the user gives the system a list of commands that is should do. This application is however very hard and tedious of the common users because it involves the memorizing of command. Thus most people who use it are the system experts who carry out the maintenance procedures.
This can be achieved with a lot of proper design principles. This system in turn supports many browsers that are used in entering the timesheets of any organization. However it is a good practice for only the administrator to be involved with the use of the Internet Explores, these is because it require the add-on and forums through which one can link to other systems.
In the menu based style, the choices are represented in a bar and once clicked a list of options pop down or up. One can then get to select the action that they need done from the list and key it in. Depending on the position and influence of clicking on the option, the menu based interaction has got several type of menu. These menus include the main bar, the pop-up menu, and the pull-down menu.
An analysis on the timesheet interface shows that with the use of this
interaction style, the system analyst avoid laying a lot of burden on the users. This style avoids the lot of learning process that is involved in the command interaction style. In case of memorizing the commands, they use more of their recognition memory. This has therefore made it much useful to a lot of users.
In the graphic based design, the system designer makes it possible for the actions to be represented in graphics or pictures. This in turn avoids the use of the memorizing process but recognition. It also presents a view that is pleasing to the eye. However by using this method of style, the items that are represented in the interaction point are decreased. This is because the icons tend to occupy a lot of space.
When designing this interaction point, one has to therefore employ a lot of measure that will ensue that there are no problems using it. For instance the designer designs a system that makes used of all this styles of interaction. This avoids the exaggeration r overcrowding of the screen. It in addition gives room for even the new user to interact with the system in the easiest way possible.
This system has therefore got much robust functionality as reviled by an analysis on the timesheet interface. It is in addition an easy to use system not only for the staff but even the end users. These users use the system for a couple of minutes each week.
About the Author:
In the graphic based design, the system designer makes it possible for the actions to be represented in graphics or pictures. This in turn avoids the use of the memorizing process but recognition. It also presents a view that is pleasing to the eye. However by using this method of style, the items that are represented in the interaction point are decreased. This is because the icons tend to occupy a lot of space.
When designing this interaction point, one has to therefore employ a lot of measure that will ensue that there are no problems using it. For instance the designer designs a system that makes used of all this styles of interaction. This avoids the exaggeration r overcrowding of the screen. It in addition gives room for even the new user to interact with the system in the easiest way possible.
This system has therefore got much robust functionality as reviled by an analysis on the timesheet interface. It is in addition an easy to use system not only for the staff but even the end users. These users use the system for a couple of minutes each week.
About the Author:
When you want information about a reliable timesheet interface, visit the web pages here. You can check out the specifications at now.